Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Grandma Keyes Birth - Twins

Since I told the story of Grandpa Keyes birth, I thought I would share Grandma's story as well.

Betsey Elizabeth Richardson was born 21 March 1892 in Springfield, Illinois. She had a twin brother named Harry, and their parents were Charles and Nettie Richardson.

The great part about it is that I have an account written by her in her own words. Here it is.

"So you want to know about me. Are you sure? Mother told me that on the 21st of March 1892 she started to clean the pantry shelves. While she was on a ladder cleaning the top shelf Grandmother Richardson, my father to be's mother, came and stood at the foot of the ladder and said. "Nettie, please come down." This was the first, and probably the last, request Grandmother made to her daughter-in-law.

Mother cheerfully obeyed. At noon, Dr. Armstrong arrived, leaving his horse standing in a foot of snow. (Now, 86 years later, I am feeling sorry for the horse.) He was just in time to bring Harry into this world. Then 15 minutes later, much to everyone's surprise, I came forth. For years, Harry reminded me that he was 15 minutes older.

Father told me that he phoned on niece (Ada Bunn) and told her to go to see the baby boy. Then he phoned Emma Lanphier (another niece and sister of Ada, ) to go see his baby girl. when the two nieces talked to each other they argued as to whether mother had a baby boy or a girl so they hurried out to see. Mother was glad to see them as she needed more baby clothes which they were happy to make.

A little boy, Harold Utley, lived half a block north of us on the west side of Walnut St. between Edwards and Governor. His mother brought him to see us. She couldn't get him to go home because he told her a mistake had been made. He had been praying for a baby sister and he thought I was that sister so they should take me home with them and he wasn't going without me."

Grandma is on the Right and Harry is on the left. I know this because Grandma was bigger than her brother.

I always loved to hear about the adventures of my Grandmother and her twin brother. One of my most prized possession is the Original life story of my Grandmother's, typed by her own hand. I will probably include a few more stories about the twins later in the blog, as they are some of my favorites.

This picture is of the twins in about 1898 at the age of 6.

1 comment:

  1. This is so great that you have these and can share them this way. You go girl!
